
Doll Passionista Dolls
Doll Passionista Custom Doll
Doll Passionista Dolls

Welcome! Please read the About tab so you’ll have some idea of who I am and why I set up this page.

Doll collecting is an expensive passion, but it is also immensely enjoyable. Dolls are now the 7th (formerly #1) most popular collectible. Over the last couple of decades, collectors have seen many talented doll artists retire, store fronts close, and doll conventions and magazines disappear. This website will hopefully provide new collectors a chance to discover dolls they never knew existed; veteran collectors may find grail dolls that they have been seeking. Buying and selling dolls has provided me with the opportunity to meet some amazing artists and other doll lovers in the community, some of which have become lifelong friends.

When I started collecting dolls as an adult, a dear friend told me to only buy dolls that I loved. My problem, it appears, is that I love ALL dolls (with few exceptions) so I bought with what some would call “reckless abandon” and a completionist collector’s mentality. At this point in my existence on Mother Earth, I want to simplify my life and narrow down my collection. In doing so, it is my desire to help other collectors acquire dolls that they love.